years old
  • What is Darren Aronofsky relationship status? Single
  • What is his sexual orientation? Straight

Darren Aronofsky girlfriends list

Dating history

Partner Type Start End Length
3 Jennifer Lawrence Ex September 2016 October 2017 1 year 1 month
2 Brandon Milbradt Ex 2012 2015 3 years
1 Rachel Weisz Ex October 2001 September 2010 8 years 11 months


A super talented filmmaker and writer Darren Aronofsky was delivered to his parents Charlotte and Abraham, who worked as public school teachers. Also, the celebrity has a sister named Patti, who he is very close with.

His love for the moviemaking industry appeared when he saw Stars Wars. That’s exactly when he started considering pursuing a career as a film director. In 1987 he entered Harvard University, where he learnt everything about filmmaking as well as got a degree in social anthropology in 1991. That same year he made his first short movie called Supermarket Sweep.

In order to boost career opportunities, Aronofsky moved to Los Angeles. In 1998 he released a TV project Pi that was presented at Sundance Film Festival, where he was awarded for the best direction. The success inspired Darren even more and in 2000 he presented Requiem for a Dream due to which he was nominated for an Oscar and Golden Globe.

Throughout his career, he introduced dozens of successful TV projects, including The Wrestler, Black Swan, Noah and many others. However, he never stops and keeps coming up with more and more interesting ideas for movies.

Are you eager to know more amazing information about the star’s life? Have a look at these top 5 little-known facts:

  • He has a tradition not to shave his beard till the production is over.
  • He is known for his environmental activism.
  • He has a Humanitarian Award for PETA as well as Humane Society of the US.
  • He takes action against climate change.
  • He is a board member of The Sierra Club Foundation.

Tifany Landrob


Tifany Landrob

Head Editor

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