years old
  • What is Grace Van Dien relationship status? Single
  • What is her sexual orientation? Straight

Grace Van Dien boyfriends list

Dating history

Partner Type Start End Length
1 Connor Paolo Ex 0000 0000 0 months


A widely recognized film performer and director Grace Van Dien was welcomed to her famous father Casper, who is a producer and actor and mother Carrie, who is a film star.

A future star was raised in Malibu but later moved with parents to Santa Monica in California. There, she began attending high school, though there is no exact information regarding her education.

Her path to stardom started in 2005 when she featured in a reality TV series called I Married a Prince that was produced by her stepmother. After that TV project, there was a quite long break in Grace’s acting career.

The next time she appeared on television was only in 2014, when she starred in a fantasy adventure film Sleeping Beauty.

In total, Dien’s filmography is not that large, yet, all the projects she took part in were more than successful. To name just a few: Village, Charlie Says, Greenhouse Academy, Bad Twin and others.

Nowadays, the celebrity keeps doing her best to develop her career in the moviemaking industry, participating in auditions and appearing in TV shows, series and films.

Would you like to get to know the star more? Well, then have a look at these top 5 mind-blowing facts about her life. We are sure you didn’t know about them:

  • During one of the interviews, Grace shared that she initially wanted to be a writer.
  • Her current net worth is estimated at around half a million dollars.
  • She provided her vocals for a video game titled Starship Troopers.
  • She featured in a movie The Binge of 2020.
  • Unlike millions of young people across the globe, she is not very active on social media, including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Tifany Landrob


Tifany Landrob

Head Editor

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