years old
  • What is Jack Gilinsky relationship status? Single
  • What is his sexual orientation? Straight

Jack Gilinsky girlfriends list

Madison Beer
Madison Beer
age 21

Dating history

Partner Type Start End Length
1 Madison Beer Ex August 2015 October 2017 2 years 2 months


A gifted and handsome singer Jack Gilinsky drew his first breath in Nebraska, where he grew up with two sisters.

While in kindergarten, a future star got acquainted with Jack Johnson and this friendship turned out to be really long-lasting. After kindergarten, both friends attended Omaha Westside High School.

In 2007 they created a YouTube channel called MotherFalconQuagmire, where they uploaded cover versions for popular songs, short satires, etc. Within several years they managed to draw public attention and in such a way, got millions of fans worldwide. That’s why in 2013 the duo came up with an idea to join Vine app, where they became even more famous.

The pair’s recognition gave them an opportunity to establish the Jack & Jack group. Within the first 1.5 years of work, they introduced 11 singles which blew the iTunes and Billboard charts. In 2014 they went on a DigiTour and visited 18 cities in the US. A year later, the artists presented an EP and in 2019 released the debut album A Good Friend is Nice.

In 2020 singers began performing solo. Gilinsky released a debut solo song My Love in April 2020 and in September of the same year presented a single Lose Somebody.

And now, it is high time to share more interesting details about the celebrity’s life. Here are top 5 facts you 100% had no clue about:

  • He is Jewish.
  • His favorite drink is Caramel macchiato.
  • Whenever he walks, he counts the number of steps.
  • His favorite movie genre is comedy.
  • If he could be any celebrity for a day, he would like to be Bruno Mars.

Tifany Landrob


Tifany Landrob

Head Editor

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