years old
  • What is Lili Reinhart relationship status? Single
  • What is her sexual orientation? Bisexual

Lili Reinhart boyfriends list

Cole Sprouse
Cole Sprouse
age 28

Dating history

Partner Type Start End Length
1 Cole Sprouse Ex March 2017 March 2020 3 years


A beautiful actress Lili Reinhart was welcomed in Cleveland to her parents Daniel and Amy. Also, the celebrity has two sisters.

While studying at Bay High School, a future star got interested in dancing as well as theatre.

At the age of 11, she signed her first contract with an acting agency and started appearing in various advertisements, theatre plays, etc.

Lili’s debut on a big screen happened in 2010 when she starred in a short film For Today. After that she could be seen in an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Lilith, Now Waving But Drowning and other TV projects.

In 2014 she moved to LA for more career opportunities. Her first work there was in a sitcom called Surviving Jack. Unfortunately, every project she took part in didn’t bring her success or recognition. Her career started going downhill, she had no money and even thought of going back to her native city. However, everything changed when she passed an audition for Betty Cooper in super famous television series Riverdale that made her a Hollywood star.

Today, Reinhart regularly appears on TV, becoming more and more recognized. Her most recent works include: Galveston, Hustlers, Chemical Hearts and many others.

And now, it is high time to share more fascinating information about the star’s life. Here are top 5 mind-blowing facts to surprise you with:

  • She has four tattoos.
  • She rarely wears makeup off-screen.
  • She is best friends with Camilla Mendes.
  • She is extremely good at doing impressive special-effects makeup. She often posts such pictures on Instagram.
  • She is an advocate for mental health awareness.

Tifany Landrob


Tifany Landrob

Head Editor

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