years old
  • What is Mike Posner relationship status? Single
  • What is his sexual orientation? Straight

Mike Posner girlfriends list

Dating history

Partner Type Start End Length
1 Kirstina Colonna Ex 0000 0000 0 months


A singer-songwriter, record producer, poet and pop-rapper – yes, it is all about him, Mike Posner, who was delivered in Michigan to his parents Jon and Roberta. Also, the celebrity has an older sister.

A future star attended Bingham Farms Elementary School and then studied at Groves High School. Later, he entered Duke University and graduated successfully with a degree in sociology.

Mike’s path in the music industry began in 2009 as record producer, when he presented two mixtapes titled A Matter of Time and One Foot Out the Door. Just a year later, he could already boast of releasing a debut album called 31 Minutes to Takeoff that became extremely popular among millions of people worldwide. Soon after that, the artist started working on his second album and in 2011 introduced Sky High that was also positively accepted by professional critics as well as fans.

Throughout his career, the celebrity presented 4 studio albums, 23 singles, 13 music videos, 2 EPs and four mixtapes. Apart from that, he also wrote songs for such remarkable and internationally-known performers as Nick Jonas, Justin Bieber, Maroon 5, Avicii, Snoop Dogg and many others.

Are you eager to get to know more interesting information about the star’s life? Well, then check these top 5 facts out. We are sure they will surprise you:

  • His favorite color is jungle green and favorite animal-white tiger.
  • He is scared of dogs that bark.
  • He loves eating avocados.
  • As a child, he dreamt of becoming an astronaut.
  • He likes girls wearing turquoise jewelry.

Tifany Landrob


Tifany Landrob

Head Editor

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