years old
  • What is Nessa Barrett relationship status? Single
  • What is her sexual orientation? Straight

Nessa Barrett boyfriends list

Josh Richards
Josh Richards
age 18

Dating history

Partner Type Start End Length
1 Josh Richards Ex October 2019 June 2020 8 months


Nessa Barrett is a well-known TikToker, YouTuber and social media personality, who rose to prominence thanks to outstanding dancing skills, comedy mimics, lip-syncing and what is more important, entertaining talent.

It would be interesting to know that she started dealing with TikTok only in 2019 and in just one year gathered over 11 million followers, which is a huge success. In order to stay popular, she also collaborated with other well-known social media stars, e.g. Jackson Felt, Cynthia Parker and others. While working with such brilliant and talented companions, Nessa managed to make fascinating videos that attracted the attention of millions of people worldwide. One more thing she does to promote her career is posting of recordings of her fans, who regularly send her two-part harmony recordings.

In addition to all that activity, Barrett tried her hand as a singer and in summer of 2020 introduced the debut single called Pain. In order to pursue a music career professionally, she even moved to LA.

Today, the star keeps developing her path on social media, remaining one of the most famous and recognized stars there.

However, this is not all we would like to share about such a multi-talented person. Here are top 5 mind-blowing facts about her life to surprise you with:

  • Her goal is to collaborate with YouTuber Tana Mongeau.
  • She is a fitness freak.
  • Her younger sister inspired her to register on TikTok and make first videos.
  • Her main hobbies include: theatre play, reading and artwork.
  • Her favorite color is black.

Tifany Landrob


Tifany Landrob

Head Editor

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