years old
  • What is Simu Liu relationship status? Single
  • What is his sexual orientation? Straight

Simu Liu girlfriends list

Dating history

Partner Type Start End Length
1 Tina Jung Rumored 2016 - 7 years 10 months


A widely-known film star, producer, writer and stuntman Simu Liu drew his first breath in China but at the age of 5 immigrated to Canada with parents. He grew up in Ontario, studied at the University of Toronto Schools and later graduated from Ivey Business School in 2011.

It would be interesting to know that Simu never really thought of pursuing an acting career and that’s why right after graduation started working as an accountant. However, after less than a year, he quit and decided to explore other opportunities. That’s eventually how and when he decided to try his hand as a stuntman and an actor.

He debuted on a big screen in 2012, having featured in an acting thriller drama television series called Nikita. After that he managed to appear in dozens of successful TV projects. To name just a few: Blood and Water, Kim’s Convenience, Yappie and many others.

In addition to that, he is also a screenwriter, producer and voice actor.

Nowadays, the celebrity keeps developing his path to prominence even though he already has millions of fans all across the globe.

Are you curious to find out more fascinating details about Liu’s life? Well, then have a look at these top 5 facts we have prepared for you:

  • He is a huge fan of anime with his favorite being Pokemon and Digimon.
  • Once, he almost broke his neck while doing backflips in his yard.
  • He loves dogs a lot and while shooting a project in the Dominican Republic, rescued his current puppy named Chopa.
  • Before making it big in the filmmaking business, he used to work as an image model, dress-up Spider-Man, etc.
  • He is a fan of basketball and crochet.

Tifany Landrob


Tifany Landrob

Head Editor

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