years old
  • What is Tavi Gevinson relationship status? Single
  • What is her sexual orientation? Straight

Tavi Gevinson boyfriends list

Dating history

Partner Type Start End Length
1 Ezra Koenig Rumored 0000 0000 0 months


A gifted writer, magazine editor and film performer – yes, it all about her, Tavi Gevinson. A future star was welcomed in Chicago. Her mother Berit is a Hebrew instructor and weaver, while the father Steve is a retired teacher. Also, the celebrity has two siblings.

Tavi attended Oak Park and River Forest High School.

In 2008 she began a fashion blog called Style Rookie. It was a blog that demonstrated photos of an 11-year old girl demonstrating various outfits on the latest trends. Very quickly the blog started getting the attention of nearly 30.000 people a day. Such success gave Gevinson an opportunity to attend Paris as well as New York Fashion Weeks. In addition to that, she began writing articles for Harper’s Bazaar and

In the beginning of 2011 she made a decision to stop writing only about fashion. Instead, she created Rookie magazine that was focused on a number of issues impacting teenage girls. However, in 2018 it was shut down, since it became financially sustainable.

The star also tried her hand in acting and can be seen in such successful TV projects as Enough Said, The Punk Singer, Beware of Young Girls, Gossip Girl, etc.

If you are curious to get to know more interesting information about the celebrity’s life, then have a look at these top 5 facts:

  • Very few people know that she started blogging out of boredom.
  • She loves reading a lot and often shares book recommendations on social media.
  • She enjoys traveling and discovering new places.
  • She likes using social media as a tool to share interests with other people.
  • She organized a get-well-soon-card drive for Malala Yousafzai.

Tifany Landrob


Tifany Landrob

Head Editor

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